The intuitive vision of the brains
function are cognitive psychology aspects in difficult to summarize because it
has been exposed in such a schematic way . tn fact the index could be a good
summary of concepts of evolutionary psychology dealt with .
herediatory nature of relational intelligence
siginificance of the less powerful gene of intelligence and its coherence with
the concepts of conditional intelligence
functions of sexual differentiation
existence of a tele logical or finalistic evolution
That the description of how
intelligence and memory operate helps you to better understanding yourselves
and the people that surrounding you .
psychology helps us being some what more conscious of our limits and to be more
prudent in the fixation of certain objectives
the different ways of individual decisions making process are developed can
explain the apparent change of individual opinions that can occur in certain
instances particularly when carried out in a centralized or democratic way
regarding our own group of cells.
knowledge of decision making process should imply , to a certain degree , self educations
as to avoid losing control of the will
little bit of humor is never a bad thing
with evolutionary psychology , above all
when saying something like it seems that
we do not exist from a strictly scientific point of view , that the human being
, more than a living being , is strictly speaking is configured like a vital
impulse system
relation to evolutionary psychology and the stated dual nature of human beings
and other beings , the concept of temporary discontinuity of extense is exposed
If we are taking in to consideration
of parallelism between computers and brain evolution , they are deeply an
interesting consequence in evolutionary psychology would be the confrontation
of current these of evolution by random mutation with idea that an almost
perfect computer like the human brain has been the fruit of something random
evolution of computers reminds us of the proposals put forth by general theory of
conditional evolution of life . the same parallelism with lead us to reconsider
the role of sexual differentiation in the evolutionary process, females seems
not to modify genes after their early formation, we may find that they have
specialized in what we could call hardware , and males on the other hand, in
software, both as we all know inter related and of a similar importance
vision of the brain’s function and cognitive psychology creates a large quality
of questions in the specific field of evolutionary psychology are genes the
most compressed expression of our memory ? does something similar to a compiles
exist in the human body and where would it be found , when it is genetic
information that is to be transferred updated. In this scence a specific and
special compression mechanism and information condification could exist for its
multiple transmission ,once modified by the sub system of memory’s genetic
we understand artificial intelligence as a machine’s system do decision,
created or not by human beings, showing certain intelligence , at least
apparently and having the characteristics of a vital impulse system .
tendency of using normal memory should be increased to the extent possible ,
because of its enormous potential in compassion to mathematical memory . if new
approach in cognitive psychology are correct and this capacity is configured
mainly by genetic determining factors , students efforts towards mathematical
memory could be truly counter productive given that these efforts genetare a
lot of tension and prevent the desirable use of normal memory and the
understanding limits
more element of cognitive psychology to make in to account is attributed to the
functional parallelism between computers and the human brain the previous
change towards the use of normal memory
can be supported in the efficiency of computers and communication that can be
provided us with a large quantity of information almost in the real time . then
we will not have to memorize so much information because computers will largely provide us quicker and more secure information
should promote people’s capacity for managing and processing the large quantity
of available information . with the acceptance of the importance of sleeping
and dreams on memory’s operation these cognitive psychology ideas should be sufficiently explained so that
students do not make the serious errors of studying instead of sleeping . the
same seasoning can be applied to the other types of behavior that affect the
capacity to memorize in a very special and temporary way
will be especially interested in knowing more about the methods that the memory
manager uses to both understanding their
personal studying habits.
Vit A
It helps to fight cold
and infection, improve vision especially night vision and promote healthy
Pumpkins , carrots ,
milk products , milk , papaya
Vit B1
To over come anxiety and depression
Peanuts , milk
Vit B2
To maintain healthy
skin , hairs and nails
Milk , liver , green
leafy vegetables
Vit B3
It helps to release energy available in
Dried fruit, peanuts, fish, egg.
Folic Acid
To improve appetite , aid
in proper digestion and increase lactation
Green leafy
vegetables, egg yolk, liver.
Vit C
To help fight common cold and heal
Citrus fruits and juices, tomatoes, and
Vit D
To assist in the
formation of strong bones and teeth
Fish oil, sardines,
milk, organ meet like liver etc.
Vit E
To enhance fertility and delay ageing
Vegetable oils , green leafy vegetables
, eggs
Vit K
It helps in blood clotting
, prevent internal bleeding and reduce heavy menstrual flow
Green leafy vegetables,
curd, butter milk, egg yolk.
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